其他例子:素质教育 quality- oriented education

市场经济:market-oriented economy

1)sustain v. 承受住,支撑;持续

2)sustainable a. 可支撑的;可持续的

3) sustainability n. 承受(力)

4)unsustainability n. 无法承受的

例如:Hope sustained us in our misery. 在不幸中希望使我们振作起来。

2)sustainable a. 可支撑的;可持续的

例如:可持续发展 sustainable development

3) sustainability n. 承受(力 )

真题原文:“Sustainability” has become a popular word these days, but to Ted Ning, the concept will always have personal meaning。


4)unsustainability n. 无法承受的

真题原文: Having endured a painful period of unsustainability in

his own life.。.

经历了一段无法承受的痛苦生活 ……

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